Like all specialist fields, medicine has its own terminology, jargon and conventions. It is also a rapidly changing field with new techniques and treatments appearing all the time. This means that the medical translation service provider needs to be skilled in managing subject matter and language alike.
DWL is committed to delivering the highest-quality service to all its clients within agreed timelines and in line with well-established standards and procedures, tailored specifically to the life science, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical technology and medical device industries.
DWL is aided in this by its Medical Director, a physician and experienced medical editor and translator, who assists not only in selecting the most suitable translators but also in resolving medical queries and linguistic problems and providing support to Project Managers.
Frequently translated documents for medical devices include:
Please see the menu bar for further details of our specialist subject areas.
Our family of companies includes BIG IP, ISI Language Solutions, Protranslating, Language Link, DWL, and Lawlinguists, bringing over 160 years of combined expertise with offices in 29 locations worldwide. Through our portfolio, we customize and deliver language services in more than 300 languages and dialects.